§ 303. Capital and Operating Budgets.  

Latest version.
  • The County Executive shall submit to the Council, not later than January 15 and March 15, respectively of each year, proposed capital and operating budgets including recommended expenditures and revenue sources for the ensuing fiscal year and any other information in such form and detail as the County Executive shall determine and as may be prescribed by law. These budgets shall be consistent with the six-year programs. A summary shall be submitted with the budgets containing an analysis of the fiscal implications for the County of all available budgets of any agencies for which the Council sets tax rates, makes levies, approves programs or budgets. (Election of 11-6-84; election of 11-3-92.)
    Editor’s note—See County Attorney Opinion dated regarding the County Executive’s ability to impound appropriated funds. See County Attorney Opinion dated 10/1/08 explaining Council’s ability to impose limitations on the Executive’s ability to seek and obtain grants. See County Attorney Opinion dated clarifying that the Council may place conditions on appropriations prior to June 1, with certain limitations. See County Attorney Opinion dated addressing the creation of Department of Liquor Control by State law and the department’s funding and expenditures. See County Attorney Opinion dated explaining that State law created the Department of Liquor Control and gives the Council oversight over the department, but does not give the Council budget or appropriation authority. See County Attorney Opinion dated explaining that the budget must include recommended expenditures and revenue services for the Board of Education and including the legislative history of the section.