§ 307. Supplemental Appropriations.  

Latest version.
  • Any supplemental appropriation shall be recommended by the County Executive, who shall specify the source of funds to finance it. The Council shall hold a public hearing on each proposed supplemental appropriation after at least one week's notice. A supplemental appropriation that would comply with, avail the County of, or put into effect a grant or a federal, state, or county law or regulation, or one that is approved after January 1 of any fiscal year, requires an affirmative vote of five Councilmembers. A supplemental appropriation for any other purpose that is approved before January 1 of any fiscal year requires an affirmative vote of six Councilmembers. The Council may, in a single action, approve more than one supplemental appropriation. The Executive may disapprove or reduce a supplemental appropriation, and the Council may reapprove the appropriation, as if it were an item in the annual budget. (Election of 11-7-2000.)
    Editor’s note—See County Attorney Opinion dated regarding the County Executive’s ability to impound appropriated funds. See County Attorney Opinion dated explaining Council’s ability to impose limitations on the Executive’s ability to seek and obtain grants. See County Attorney Opinion dated 4/7/99-A clarifying that the Council may place conditions on appropriations prior to June 1, with certain limitations.