§ 402. Personnel Administration.  

Latest version.
  • The County Executive shall be responsible for adopting personnel regulations for the administration and implementation of the merit system law. These regulations shall be adopted in the manner provided for by law. The Chief Administrative Officer, under the direction of the County Executive and subject to merit system laws and regulations, shall be responsible for administering the County's merit system. (Election of 11-4-80.)
    Editor’s note—See County Attorney Opinion dated discussing the authority and role of the Merit System Protection Board and the role of the County Attorney as legal adviser. See County Attorney Opinion dated recognizing that authorized reimbursement for college tuition, training and/or education costs made to County employees do not violate the Charter. See County Attorney Opinion dated (4/15/99 on cover memo) analyzing the Chief Administrative Officer’s authority to make a sole-source contract in excess of $25,000 without obtaining consent of the director of procurement or the contract review committee. See County Attorney Opinion dated indicating that the Charter permits the use of merit system employees for pilot programs and enterprise programs, but prohibits the use of contract employees for these programs. See County Attorney Opinion No. 90.007 dated explaining that the County Council may amend the uniform salary plan only through legislation and not by resolution.