§ 10B-6. Duties of the Commission on Common Ownership Communities.  

Latest version.
  • The Commission must:
    (a) adopt rules and procedures as necessary to carry out the purposes of this Chapter;
    (b) keep a record of its activities and minutes of all meetings, which must be kept on file and open to the public at reasonable business hours upon request;
    (c) cooperate with the County Executive and all government agencies concerned with matters within the jurisdiction of the Commission;
    (d) examine by means of public or private meetings, conferences, and public hearings, conditions in common ownership communities which may result in unmet community, resident, or public needs;
    (e) advise the citizens of the County, the County Council, and the County Executive, and County, state, and federal agencies on matters involving common ownership communities, and recommend such programs, procedures, or legislation as it finds necessary;
    (f) provide training on the responsibilities of a board member for members of the governing body of a common ownership community by:
    (1) developing an educational curriculum for new members; and
    (2) approving an alternative educational curriculum for new members administered by other organizations. (1990 L.M.C., ch. 33, § 1; , § 1.)
    Editor’s note—, § 2, states: Each member of the governing body of a common ownership community who was appointed or elected before this law takes effect must successfully complete the training requirements contained in Section 1 within 90 days after being elected for a new term of office that begins after this law takes effect.
    2015 L.M.C., ch. 2, § 3 states: The amendments made in Section 1 of this Act take effect on January 1, 2016.