§ 11-4A. Unfair trade practices - Internet Access Services.  

Latest version.
  • (a) A merchant must not engage in any unfair trade practice in the provision of internet access service using any facility in its control that is located in a County right-of-way.
    (b) An unfair trade practice includes the refusal or failure of a merchant to:
    (1) provide any internet access service for which a consumer has paid;
    (2) properly install any facilityrequired to provide internet access service to a consumer; or
    (3) promptly and effectively respond to a consumer complaint concerning internet access service.
    (c) Internet access service means the provision of internet access to a consumer over any facility controlled by a merchant that is located in a County right-of-way.
    (d) The County Executive must issue regulations under Method (2) that establish minimum internet access service standards that a merchant must comply with.
    (e) (1) The Department of Technology Services may receive an investigate complaints of violations of this Section. The Cable Compliance Commission may adjudicate violations of this Section, as provided in Section 8A-31.
    (2) The Department may also refer any complaint received under this Section to the Office of Consumer Protection for investigation and enforcement. To enforce any complaint referred to it under this Section, the Office of Consumer Protection may pursue any remedy for violations of this Chapter. (, § 1.)