§ 11-6. Filing complaints.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Definition. In this section “domestic worker” has the meaning stated in Section 11-4B.
    (b) Complaint. Any consumer or domestic worker may file a written complaint with the Director.
    (c) Contents. A complaint should state the name and address of the person alleged to have committed a violation of this Chapter, describe the violation, and provide any other information that the Office requires. However, the Director may act on a complaint that is not complete. The Director may investigate any violation of and enforce this Chapter without receiving a complaint.
    (d) Referral to Department of Housing and Community Affairs. The Director must refer a complaint from a domestic worker alleging living accommodations that do not comply with Section 11-4B(d) to the Department of Housing and Community Affairs for investigation and enforcement.
    (e) Referral to the Office of Human Rights. The Director must refer a complaint from a domestic worker alleging a discriminatory employment practice to the Office of Human Rights.
    (f) Referral to the Commission for Women. The Director may refer a domestic worker to the Commission for Women Counseling and Career Center for additional assistance if the Director determines that the services offered there would benefit the worker. (1972 L.M.C., ch. 11, § 1; 1993 L.M.C., ch. 25, § 1; 1996 L.M.C., ch. 13, § 1; , § 1; , § 2.)
    Editor’s note—The above section is discussed in Fosler v. Panoramic Design, Ltd., 376 Md. 118, 829 A.2d 271 (2003).
    , §§ 2 and 3, state:
    Sec. 2. Regulations. A regulation which implements a function transferred to the Office of Consumer Protection by this Act continues in effect until otherwise amended or repealed, but any reference to any predecessor department or office must be treated as referring to the Office of Consumer Protection.
    Sec. 3. Transition. This act does not invalidate or affect any action taken by the Department of Housing and Community Affairs before this Act took effect. Any responsibility or right granted by law, regulation, contract, or other document, and which is associated with a function transferred by this Act from the Department of Housing and Community Affairs, is transferred to the Office of Consumer Protection.