Chapter 12. Courts. [Note]  

Article I. In General.
§ 12-1. Court library-Annual levy for maintenance.
§ 12-2. Same-Custodian.
§ 12-3. Jurors, state’s witnesses, criers and bailiffs generally-Levy for expenses.
§ 12-4. Same-Payment of certificate of attendance.
§ 12-5. Same-Compensation allowed by judge in certain cases.
§ 12-6. Same-Authority for payment; certificate from clerk of circuit court.
§ 12-7. Minimum charges allowed auditor; tax as part of cost in suit.
§ 12-8. Crier and librarian; salary, etc.
§ 12-8A. Appellate judges’ secretaries’ salary supplements.
Article II. Circuit Court Generally. [Note]
§ 12-9. Rules of court; licensing of attorneys.
§ 12-10. Pension of judges and spouses of deceased judges.
§ 12-11. Inspection of records; new record book; indexes; preparation and payment.
§ 12-12. Court reporters-Appointment; oath; salary.
§ 12-13. Same-Qualification; term; duties; authority to hold position as "examiner in chancery."
§ 12-14. Judges’ secretaries.
Article III. Clerk of Circuit Court.
§ 12-15. Index of judgments; information to be shown.
§ 12-16. General equity index.
§ 12-17. Other general indexes.
§ 12-18. Authority to change system of indexing; exception as to land records; cost of work.
§ 12-19. Reindexing land records beginning with 1953.
§ 12-20. Recordation of racial, etc., restrictive covenants.
Article IV. Clerk to Grand Jury.
§ 12-21. Appointment; duties.
§ 12-22. [RESERVED]
§ 12-23. [RESERVED]
§ 12-24. [RESERVED]
Article V. Bail Bonds. [Note]
§ 12-26. Payments to attorneys, etc., for procuring business prohibited.
§ 12-27. Attorneys prohibited from paying bondsmen for procuring persons to employ them, etc.
§ 12-28. Charges other than regular fees prohibited; performing other services prohibited.
§ 12-29. List of authorized bondsmen to be posted; list to be furnished persons detained; records, etc.
§ 12-30. Reports required; circuit court to regulate bonding business.
§ 12-31. Copy of bond required to be mailed to state’s attorney.
§ 12-32. Central bail bond clerk.
§ 12-33. Release of defendant on personal recognizance; deposit of percentage of cash surety required; forfeiture of bond.
§ 12-34. Property bonds; right of person to be own recognizance.
§ 12-34A. Clerks of court authorized to take bond; judge or commissioner to fix amount of bond.
§ 12-35. Bond to guarantee appearance of defendant at all stages of proceedings.
§ 12-35A. Increase or reduction in amount of bond.
§ 12-35B. Maximum amount of premium.
§ 12-35C. Copies of bonds to be forwarded to central bail bond clerk; persons arrested to be taken before judge or commissioner as soon as possible; indexed record to be kept.
Article VI. Commission of Juvenile Justice. [Note]
§ 12-36. Commission on juvenile justice; composition; appointment; terms; vacancy.
§ 12-37. Officers; subcommittees.
§ 12-38. Meetings; notice; quorum.
§ 12-39. Reports.
§ 12-40. [RESERVED]
§ 12-41. Functions.
§ 12-42. Staff support.
§ 12-43. Bylaws.