§ 12-41. Functions.  

Latest version.
  • The Commission must:
    (a) Advise the Circuit Court, Council, and Executive on the needs and requirements of juveniles under the Court’s jurisdiction.
    (b) Inform state legislators of juvenile needs and requirements.
    (c) Study and submit recommendations, procedures, programs, or legislation concerning juvenile affairs, prevention and control of juvenile delinquency, and neglect or abuse, in order to promote the general welfare of juveniles under the Court's jurisdiction.
    (d) Study and make recommendations to the Executive and Council on those segments of the County budget that affect juvenile justice programs.
    (e) Make periodic visits to facilities in the state servicing county juveniles.
    (f) Promote understanding and knowledge in the community regarding juvenile needs and programs.
    (g) Independently evaluate, in coordination with other advisory bodies such as the Collaboration Council for Children, Youth, and Families and the Criminal Justice Coordinating Commission, programs and services provided or funded by the state Department of Juvenile Justice for County youth. The evaluation should include intake, assessment, informal adjustments, probation, aftercare, shelter care, detention, and residential treatment programs. The evaluation should address whether capacity in these areas is adequate to serve the County and assess the effectiveness of these programs and services. If sufficient information on the effectiveness of any program is not available, the Commission should note that fact.
    (h) Independently evaluate County-funded juvenile justice programs and services, including those from the Police Department, the State’s Attorney, and the Department of Health and Human Services. The evaluation should address whether capacity in these areas is adequate and assess the effectiveness of these programs and services. If sufficient information on the effectiveness of any program is not available, the Commission should note that fact. (1981 L.M.C., ch. 36, § 1; , § 1; , § 1.)