§ 14-8. Executive Fiscal Report.  

Latest version.
  • (a) After the Planning Board has acted under Section 14-7(b) and within 180 days after the Executive has received all information necessary to review the application, the Executive, after consulting the Superintendent of Schools with respect to school facilities and the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission with respect to water and sewer facilities, must submit a report estimating:
    (1) the cost of each infrastructure improvement listed by the Planning Board under Section 14-7(c) or recommended by the Executive under subsection (b); and
    (2) (A) the amount of revenue needed annually to finance all infrastructure improvements funded, fully or partly, by a district; and
    (B) the rate for each tax, assessment, fee, or charge available to the district that would produce the necessary revenue.
    The Executive should compare these estimates to those submitted by the applicants under Section 14-7(a). The Executive may extend the 180-day deadline in this subsection for another 90 days, by notifying the Council, if delays beyond the Executive’s control require more time to produce the required report. The Council at any time may waive any applicable deadline under this subsection if the public interest so requires.
    (b) In this report the Executive should also recommend whether to create a district, its boundaries if one is created, whether any subdistricts should be created in the district and, if so, their boundaries, which infrastructure improvements the district should fully or partly fund, and alternative financing or revenue-raising measures. (1994 L.M.C., ch. 12, § 1; , § 1.)
    Editor’s note—See County Attorney Opinion dated discussing multiple issues deriving from the Clarksburg Master Plan and related issues regarding development districts. See County Attorney Opinion dated regarding the method of creating a development district and sources for the Executive Fiscal Report. See County Attorney Opinion dated 4/12/06, concerning development districts, which interprets Section 14-8.
    2008 L.M.C., ch. 34, took effect on January 26, 2009.
    2008 L.M.C., ch. 34, § 3, states: Applicability; interpretation.
    (a) Any amendment to County Code Chapter 14 made in Section 1 of this Act applies to any action taken after this Act take effect.
    (b) Any amendment to County Code Chapter 14 made in Section 1 of this Act does not alter or affect any Council resolution adopted, or other action taken with respect to a development district, before this Act takes effect.
    (c) Any amendment to County Code Chapter 14 made in Section 1 of this Act does not indicate that the previous version of a provision amended by Section 1 of this Act should be interpreted differently from the same provision as amended by Section 1 of this Act.
    (d) Any notice or disclosure requirement in Section 14-17, as amended by Section 1 of this Act, applies to any sale contract signed, and any sales material or advertisement for sale disseminated, after this Act takes effect in any development district created, and in any proposed development district for which the Council adopted a resolution under Section 14-6, after January 1, 2001.