§ 16-13. Same-Filing of petition; publication of amendment.  

Latest version.
  • All sheets of a referendum petition shall be filed with the county executive on or before the date prescribed by public general law of the state or the charter of the county, whichever shall be applicable. If such date is not prescribed by public general law or charter, then such filing shall occur not later than sixty (60) days preceding the date of the next regular, general or congressional election at which such proposed amendment is to be submitted to the voters of the county. Within seven (7) days after such filing, the county executive shall forward such petition to the board of supervisors of elections, which shall notify the council and the county executive whether or not such petition is valid. If notified that the petition so filed is a valid petition requiring a referendum thereon, the county executive shall cause such amendment to be published once a week for five (5) successive weeks prior to the election at which it is to be voted upon, in at least one (1) newspaper published in the county. Such publication shall also state that the amendment will be submitted to the voters for their approval or rejection at the next regular, general or congressional election, as the case may be, and shall state the date of such election. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 2-3; 1968 L.M.C., Ex. Sess., ch. 8, § 3; 1969 L.M.C., ch. 32, § 1.)
    Editor’s note-The above section is cited in Montgomery County v. Board of Supervisors of Elections, 311 Md. 512, 536 A.2d 641 (1986) and is cited in Montgomery County v. Board of Supervisors of Elections, 53 Md.App. 123, 451 A.2d 1279 (1982).