§ 16-16. Referendum procedure.

Latest version.
  • The Board of Supervisors of Elections shall conduct a referendum of any amendment proposed pursuant to public general law, the charter or to the constitution of Maryland as may be applicable and the provisions of this article, and shall use the same voting machines or ballots, as are used by it in the regular, general or congressional election at which such proposed amendment is submitted to the voters. There shall appear in print on the voting machine or ballot a ballot title of the proposed amendment which shall be prepared by the Council in such form as to present the purpose and substance of the amendment fairly and concisely. Such ballot title shall be filed with the Board on or before the date prescribed by public general law of the state or the charter of the County, whichever shall be applicable. If such date is not prescribed by public general law or the charter, then such filing shall occur not later than sixty (60) days preceding the date of the next regular, general or congressional election at which such proposed amendment is to be submitted to the voters of the County. The question on the voting machine or ballot shall follow the ballot title, and shall be stated as follows: "For the Amendment" and "Against the Amendment." When two (2) or more amendments are submitted at the same election they shall be submitted so that each may be voted upon separately. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 2-6; 1968 L.M.C., Ex. Sess., ch. 8, § 6.)