§ 17-12. Created; composition.  

Latest version.
  • The County Executive must appoint, subject to confirmation by the Council, a Board of Electrical Examiners, composed of 5 voting members, who must be residents of the County.
    (a) One member must hold a County master electrician’s license.
    (b) Two members must be when appointed, or must have had previous experience as, an electrical contractor, electrical contractor limited, or must otherwise be technically qualified in electricity.
    (c) One member must represent the general public.
    (d) One member must be a professional engineer, licensed in Maryland and experienced in electrical engineering.
    (e) The Executive may appoint a person who does not have any required professional qualifications under subsections (a), (b), or (d), but who is otherwise technically qualified to assess proficiency in electricity.
    (f) The Director may designate one or more Department employees as ex officio, nonvoting members to promote coordination with the Department’s fire inspection and prevention and electrical inspection activities.
    (g) The Executive must designate one member of the Board as chair. If the Executive does not designate a chair, the Board must elect its own chair. The Board must select a vice- chair and any other officer it finds necessary. The vice-chair must assume the duties of the chair when the chair is absent. (1974 L.M.C., ch. 15, § 1; 1982 L.M.C., ch. 55, § 1; , § 1.)