§ 17-28. Revocation or suspension of licenses; appeals.

Latest version.
  • (a) The director may suspend, revoke or refuse to renew any license if the holder has secured such license by misrepresentation; has failed to correct violations of any provisions of the electrical code and laws of the county or State of Maryland; failed to maintain the qualifications required by this subtitle; demonstrated a lack of competence inconsistent with retention of the license; engaged in fraudulent business activities or in misleadingly advertising products or services; has been found to have committed as deceptive or unconscionable trade practice in violation of chapter 11, section 11-4, of the Montgomery County Code, as amended; violated the provisions of this chapter requiring permits; committed an act of gross negligence or condoned such an act by an employee; permitted any unlicensed or unauthorized person, firm, company, corporation or partnership to obtain a certificate card or permit or perform electrical work under the authority of his license; or if where applicable, the holder of a business license failed to notify any person employed by said licensee for more than one (1) week of his right to secure an apprentice identification card pursuant to provisions set forth in section 17-27; or if the holder of a master electrician or master electrician limited license has failed to be available to supervise electrical work in accordance with section 17-19(b) of this chapter. In the case of electricians’ licenses, the director shall obtain the concurrence of the board before proceeding with such actions. In the case of business licenses, the director shall consider the advice and recommendations of the board, if any.
    (b) Before recommending the revocation or suspension of an existing electrician’s license or the disapproval of any application to renew such license, the board shall afford the licensee an opportunity for a hearing before the board to show cause why the license should not be suspended or revoked or renewal denied. The board shall give at least ten (10) days’ written notice to the licensee by certified mail or personal service at the last address on file with the director and such notice shall state the complaint and alleged violation.
    (c) The board may require at any time that a master electrician, master electrician limited or journeyman electrician be reexamined for good cause and if such licensee fails to pass the reexamination, his license or licenses may be revoked. A person whose electrician’s license has been revoked in this manner shall become eligible after ninety (90) days has elapsed from the date of revocation to apply for a new license. Such application shall be considered a new application and shall be submitted pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
    (d) Any person, firm, company, corporation or partnership to whom a license has been denied or whose license has been revoked or suspended or any such person, firm, company, corporation or partnership who believes himself aggrieved by any action of the board or director may appeal to the county board of appeals by filing a notice of such appeal to the county board of appeals by filing a notice of such appeal with the clerk of
    the appeals board within ten (10) days from the date of receipt of notice of the action of the board or director. Notice of action of the board or director shall be personally served or be mailed by certified mail to the last address on file with the board. (1974 L.M.C., ch. 15, § 1; 1982 L.M.C., ch. 55, § 1.)