§ 17-36. Defective installations and equipment.

Latest version.
  • (a) If upon inspection any installation for which a permit is required under this chapter is found to be in violation of the provisions of this chapter, the department shall notify the holder of the permit of the nature of such violation in writing and the same shall be corrected within ten (10) days after such notice or such other period of time as may be specified by the department.
    (b) If the director finds that any electrical equipment installed before or after the enactment of this chapter is dangerous to persons or property because defective or improperly used or installed, he shall notify the owner or lessee of the property in writing, setting forth the nature of such dangerous condition; and such person shall make such changes or repairs as are necessary to put such equipment in a safe condition within such period as may be specified by the director.
    (c) Upon failure of any person to comply with a notice issued pursuant to this section, the director shall revoke any permit which has been issued for the installation of such equipment, shall not authorize the electrical light or power company to supply electricity, or shall revoke any such authorization which previously has been issued.
    (d) If the equipment or installation is connected to a supply of electricity or power, the director shall have the authority to disconnect the same and shall send notice to the electric light or power companies to discontinue its supply or electricity or power to such
    equipment or installation, and such supply of electricity or power shall be terminated within twenty-four (24) hours of the receipt of such notice, without liability therefor on the part of such electric light or power company. (1974 L.M.C., ch. 15, § 1; 1982 L.M.C., ch. 55, § 1.)