§ 20-48. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following definitions apply to this article:
    (1) Construction means acquisition, installation, reconstruction, or construction, or any combination of them.
    (2) Costs of the project means:
    a. The funding of one (1) or more reserve funds that is necessary or desirable in connection with the financing of a project;
    b. The cost of all land, property, rights, easements, and franchises that are necessary for the construction or improvement of any project;
    c. The cost of all:
    (i) Labor;
    (ii) Materials;
    (iii) Machinery;
    (iv) Equipment;
    (v) Furnishings;
    (vi) Installing any equipment and furnishings;
    (vii) Financing charges; and
    (viii) Interest charged before and during construction, and for one (1) year after completion of construction;
    d. The costs of:
    (i) Engineering;
    (ii) Architectural services;
    (iii) Legal services;
    (iv) Plans;
    (v) Specifications;
    (vi) Surveys;
    (vii) Estimates of costs and of revenues;
    (viii) Determining the feasibility or practicability of construction;
    (ix) Administrative expenses; and
    (x) Any other services that may be necessary or incident to the financing, construction, or improvement of a project, and of placing a project in operation.
    (3) Equipment and furnishings mean any:
    a. Instrument;
    b. Apparatus;
    c. Accouterment or appointment; and
    d. Installation.
    (4) Improvement means extension, enlargement or betterment, or any combination of them.
    (5) Project means:
    a. Any system, structure, facility, or undertaking, all or a part of which is financed from the proceeds of revenue bonds; and
    b. Any real or personal property or any interest in the real or personal property, or any combination of them.
    (6) Revenue bonds means bonds or other obligations issued by the county under section 5(P)(2) and (3) of article 25A of the Annotated Code of Maryland and this article. (1986 L.M.C., ch. 52, § 1.)