§ 22-97. Address numbers.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The owner of any structure presently existing or constructed in the future must display Arabic numbers designating the address assigned to the structure by the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, or by the municipality in which the structure is located. Numbers must be at least five (5) inches high for single-family detached and attached residences and at least six (6) inches high for commercial, industrial or multifamily structures. However, if the numbers designating the address of a single-family residence on April 5, 1988, were at least three (3) inches high, those numbers comply with the size requirement of this section as long as they remain in place. Address displays must be posted on a contrasting background displayed in a conspicuous place that is unobstructed and clearly readable from the street named in the official address of the structure. Where a structure has more than one (1) address or where more than one (1) structure shares a common entry or driveway, numbers must designate the addresses in sequence.
    (b) An agency of the county must not require a permit for a sign containing only the address of a residence if the sign is smaller than a maximum size set by the County Executive by regulation.
    (c) When a street sign is replaced or a new sign installed, the County Executive must cause the address range of each street to be displayed on each street name sign the county erects or maintains. (1982 L.M.C., ch. 30, § 1; 1988 L.M.C., ch. 33, § 1.)
    Editor’s note-Section 2 of 1988 L.M.C., ch. 33, reads as follows: "Until June 1, 1989, section 22-97(a), as amended by section 1, does not apply to any single-family residence occupied before this act takes effect."