§ 24-65. Members.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The Commission has 25 members.
    (b)The Executive must appoint the following to serve as ex officio members:
    (1) Director of the Department of Health and Human Services;
    (2)Chief of Services to End and Prevent Homelessness of the Department of Health and Human Services;
    (3) Chief of Behavioral Health and Crisis Services of the Department of Health and Human Services;
    (4) Director of the Department of Correction and Rehabilitation;
    (5) Director of the Department of Housing and Community Affairs;
    (6) Assistant Chief for Field Services of the Montgomery County Police Department; and
    (7) A representative from the Office of the County Executive.
    (c) The Executive must invite the following to serve as ex officio members:
    (1) A member of the County Council, selected by the Council President;
    (2) Executive Director of the Housing Opportunities Commission;
    (3) Director of Student Services of the Montgomery County Public Schools;
    (4) The Mayor or the representative of the Mayor of the City of Gaithersburg;
    (5) The Mayor or the representative of the Mayor of the City of Rockville;
    (6) The Mayor or the representative of the Mayor of the City of Takoma Park;
    (7) A representative of either the United States Department of Veterans Affairs or the Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs;
    (8) The Montgomery County Sheriff or the representative of the County Sheriff; and
    (9) A member of the County Legislative Delegation selected jointly by the Chairs of the House and Senate Delegations.
    (d) The Executive must appoint 5 members that are representatives of the Montgomery County Continuum of Care.
    (e) The Executive must appoint 4 members of the public. At least 1 public member must be a homeless or formerly homeless resident of Montgomery County and at least 1 member must be a representative of a hospital located in Montgomery County.
    (f) The term of each non-ex officio member is 3 years. If a member is appointed to fill a vacancy before a term expires, the successor serves the rest of the unexpired term. (, §1; , § 1; , §1.)
    Editor’s note, §2, states: Transition. Any regulation that implements a function or describes the duties assigned to the Chief of Special Needs Housing by this Act continues in effect but any reference to the Chief of Special Needs Housing must be treated as a reference to the Chief of Services to End and Prevent Homelessness.