§ 24-61. Commission on Veterans Affairs.

Latest version.
  • (a) Definition. In this Section “Commission” means the Commission on Veterans Affairs.
    (b) Established. The County Executive must appoint, subject to confirmation by the Council, a Commission on Veterans Affairs.
    (c) Composition; Term.
    (1) The Commission has 16 voting members.
    (2) The Executive should appoint 9 members who are veterans and may be a member of a veterans group, such as:
    (A) Vietnam Veterans of America;
    (B) American Veterans (AMVETS);
    (C) Disabled American Veterans;
    (D) Veterans of Foreign Wars;
    (E) Women Veterans of America;
    (F) American Legion; or
    (G) Military Order of the Purple Heart.
    (3) The Executive must appoint 4 members to represent the general public.
    (4) The Executive must designate the following ex officio members:
    (A) the Director of the Department of Health and Human Services, or the Director’s designee;
    (B) the County Executive or the Executive’s designee; and
    (C) the President of Montgomery College or the President’s designee.
    (5) The Executive must invite a representative of the County’s Congressional delegation who is either a member of the delegation or an individual designated to represent the delegation to be a non-voting member of the Commission.
    (6) The Executive must appoint a member of the Commission on People with Disabilities as a non-voting member.
    (7) The term of each member is 3 years.
    (8) The Executive must designate a chair and a vice-chair from among the Commission’s members.
    (9) After an appointment to fill a vacancy before a term expires, the successor serves the rest of the unexpired term.
    (d) Duties. The Commission should:
    (1) research, assemble, analyze and disseminate information and educational materials relating to activities and programs that will assist in meeting the needs of veterans and their families;
    (2) institute and conduct educational and other programs, meetings, and conferences to promote the rights and opportunities for veterans;
    (3) advise the Executive and the Council on the status of programs and services in the State and County related to the needs of veterans and their families; and
    (4) assist in planning appropriate public acknowledgment of the contributions made by veterans and assist in planning commemoration activities recognizing the contributions made by veterans.
    (e) Staff support. The Department of Health and Human Services must provide staff support to the Commission.
    (f) Meetings. The Commission meets at the call of the Chair. The Commission must meet as often as necessary to perform its duties, but not less than 9 times each year.
    (g) Compensation. A member must serve without compensation. However, a member may request reimbursement for mileage and dependent care costs at rates established by the County.
    (h) Annual Report. By October 1 each year, the Commission must submit to the Executive and Council, and any other appropriate agency, an annual report on its functions, activities, and accomplishments.
    (i) Advocacy. The Commission must not engage in any advocacy activity at the state or federal levels unless that activity is approved by the Office of Intergovernmental Relations. (, § 1; , § 1; , § 1; , § 1; , § 1.)
    Editor’s note, § 2, states: Of the 5 members added by Section 1 of this Act to the Commission for Veterans Affairs, the Executive should appoint 2 members to a 1-year term; 2 members to a 2-year term; and 1 member to a 3-year term.
    Former Sec. 24-61, establishing the advisory capacity of the Victim Services Advisory Board on victims and their families, derived from 1986 L.M.C., ch. 61, § 1, was repealed by FY 1991 L.M.C., ch. 9, § 1.