§ 24A-4. Historic Preservation Commission.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Created. There is a Historic Preservation Commission of Montgomery County, Maryland.
    (b) Membership. The Commission has 9 members appointed by the County Executive and confirmed by the County Council. Each member must be a resident of the County. The 4 fields of history, architecture, preservation and urban design must be represented by a minimum of 1 member qualified by special interest, knowledge, or training. The remaining members of the Commission should, to the extent possible, represent the geographical, social, economic, and cultural concerns of the residents of the County.
    (c) Officers. The County Executive must appoint the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Commission, who serve at the Executive’s pleasure. The Executive must consider the Commission’s recommendation when appointing officers of the Commission.
    (d) Term. The term of each member is 3 years. A member serves until a successor is appointed and qualified.
    (e) Vacancy. Any vacancy in the membership of the Commission caused by the expiration of a term, by resignation or death, by a superseding incapacity to discharge duties, by a removal for cause, or by any other cause, must be filled for a new term, or for the remainder of the term for which there is a vacancy as the case may be, in the same manner as provided in paragraph (b).
    (f) Removal for cause. The County Executive may remove a member from the Commission for cause.
    (g) Compensation. A member of the Commission must serve without compensation.
    (h) Regulations. The Commission must adopt, under Method (2) of Section 2A-15, rules, guidelines, and regulations that are necessary for the proper transaction of the business of the Commission. This includes provisions governing contested cases before the Commission.
    (i) Meetings. The Commission must hold regular meetings which, in its discretion, are necessary to perform its duties. Such meetings must be open to the public.
    (j) Staff. The Chief Administrative Officer must provide appropriate staff to the Commission and make available to the Commission services and facilities that are necessary or appropriate for the proper performance of its duties. The County Attorney must serve as counsel to the Commission. (Ord. No. 9-4, § 1; 1984 L.M.C., ch. 24, § 26; Ord. No. 11-59; FY 1991 L.M.C., ch. 9, § 1; Ord. No. 19-08, §1.)
    Cross reference-Boards and commissions generally, § 2-141 et seq.