§ 24A-9. Demolition by neglect.  

Latest version.
  • In a case of demolition by neglect of an historic resource on public or private property, the following provisions shall apply:
    (a) If the historic resource has been designated on the master plan as an historic site or an historic resource within an historic district, the director shall issue a written notice to all persons of record with any right, title or interest in the subject property, or the person occupying such premises, of the conditions of deterioration and shall specify the minimum items of repair or maintenance necessary to correct or prevent further deterioration. The notice shall provide that corrective action shall commence within 30 days of the receipt of such notice and be completed within a reasonable time thereafter. The notice shall state that the owner of record of the subject property, or any person of record with any right, title or interest therein, may, within 10 days after the receipt of the notice, request a hearing on the necessity of the items and conditions contained in such notice. In the event a public hearing is requested, it shall be held by the commission upon 30 days' written notice mailed to all persons of record with any right, title or interest in the subject property and to all citizens and organizations which the director feels may have an interest in the proceedings.
    (1) After a public hearing on the issue of necessity of improvements to prevent demolition by neglect, if the commission finds that such improvements are necessary, it shall instruct the director to issue a final notice to be mailed to the record owners and all parties of record with any right, title or interest in the subject property advising of the items of repair and maintenance necessary to correct or prevent further deterioration. The owners shall institute corrective action to comply with the final notice within 30 days of receipt of the revised notice.
    (2) In the event the corrective action specified in the final notice is not instituted within the time allotted, the director may institute, perform and complete the necessary remedial work to prevent deterioration by neglect and the expenses incurred by the director for such work, labor and materials shall be a lien against the property, and draw interest at the highest legal rate, the amount to be amortized over a period of 10 years subject to a public sale if there is a default in payment.
    (3) Failure to comply with the original or final notice shall constitute a violation of this chapter for each day that such violation continues and shall be punishable as set forth in section 24A-11.
    (4) In the event that the commission finds that, notwithstanding the necessity for such improvements, action provided in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection would impose a substantial hardship on any or all persons with any right, title or interest in the subject property, then the commission shall seek alternative methods to preserve the historic site or historic resource located within an historic district. If none are confirmed within a reasonable time, the director shall not proceed in accordance with paragraphs (1) and (2).
    (b) If the historic resource is listed in the “Locational Atlas and Index of Historic Sites in Montgomery County, Maryland,” or the microfilmed addenda to that atlas, published by the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, the director shall advise the planning board which, after receiving the recommendation of the commission, shall conduct a public hearing to determine whether the historic resource will be designated as an historic site or historic district in the master plan for historic preservation.
    (1) Where the planning board determines that the historic resource will not be included in the master plan for historic preservation, no further action will be taken.
    (2) Where the planning board determines that the historic resource in all likelihood will be included in the master plan for historic preservation, the Planning Board shall initiate an amendment to the master plan for historic preservation under Division II of the Land Use Article of the Maryland Code.
    a. In the event that such amendment is adopted and the historic resource is placed on the master plan for historic preservation as an historic site or an historic resource within an historic district, the director shall give written notice to all persons with any right, title, or interest in the subject property of the conditions of deterioration and shall specify the items of repair or maintenance necessary to stabilize the condition of the historic resource and prevent further deterioration.
    b. Such notice shall provide that such stabilization work shall commence within 30 days of receipt of the notice and shall be completed within a reasonable time thereafter.
    c. In the event that stabilization action is not instituted within the time allotted, or not completed within a reasonable time thereafter, the director may institute, perform and complete the necessary stabilization work and the expenses incurred by the director for such work, labor or materials shall be a lien against the property, and draw interest at the highest legal rate, the amount to be amortized over a period of 10 years subject to a public sale if there is a default in payment. (Ord. No. 9-4, § 1; Ord. No. 11-59; , § 1.)