§ 25-27. Buildings to be detached; exceptions.  

Latest version.
  • Any new building designed as a nursing, convalescent, or care home and any existing building proposed for conversion for such use, must be a completely detached structure, no part of which is used for any other purpose. However, an existing building may be converted to such use if:
    (a) The building is unattached and accessible for fire fighting purposes and evacuation of patients at all levels on 3 sides, as approved by the Department of Permitting Services.
    (b) It is separated from adjacent structures on the fourth side by a fire wall extending from the ground to thirty (30) inches above the roof, and having a four-hour fire resistance rating (the equivalent of a solid eight-inch-thick brick wall).
    (c) It complies with all other governing laws or ordinances.
    Nursing, convalescent and care homes now located in buildings which do not comply with this section shall relocate in acceptable buildings. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 89-25; 1972 L.M.C., ch. 16, § 13; 1996 L.M.C., ch. 20, § 1; 1998 L.M.C., ch. 12, § 1; , § 1; , § 2.)