§ 25-40. Plumbing, etc., facilities.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Construction, installation and maintenance. All plumbing, plumbing fixtures, sterilizers and other similar equipment shall be so constructed, installed and maintained to prevent cross connections or other sanitary hazards, as required by the state board of health and county regulations.
    (b) Bath and toilet facilities-Required. A sanitary bath, water closet and lavatory shall be provided on each floor where patients or personnel sleep.
    (c) Same-Minimum requirements. There shall be at least the following:
    (1) One (1) water closet for each eight (8) patients.
    (2) One (1) bath or shower for each twelve (12) patients.
    (3) One (1) lavatory for each four (4) patients.
    (It is recommended that one (1) lavatory be provided in each patient's room.)
    (d) Clinical sink, etc. A clinical sink or bedpan hopper shall be provided for washing of bedpans and the like. Nursing and care homes with five (5) beds or less are excepted from this requirement.
    (e) Handrails for tubs. Stationary handrails shall be provided for use of infirm patients in getting in and out of tubs. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 89-38.)
    Cross reference-Plumbing, ch. 34.