§ 25B-4. Executive's housing report.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The County Executive, after consulting with each relevant agency, must periodically submit a consolidated report to the County Council, describing the state of the County's demand for and supply of affordable, including assisted-family, housing.
    (b) The report must include:
    (1) the number of sales and rental units produced, and units converted to other patterns of ownership or lost by demolition, since the last report;
    (2) activities undertaken since the last report to achieve the goals and purposes of this Chapter, and an evaluation of the extent to which goals have been achieved;
    (3) recommendations for actions or programs to be pursued to enable the County government and other agencies to meet or exceed housing goals, including financial planning requirements;
    (4) an evaluation of existing laws and public policies affecting the availability and price of housing and developable land; and
    (5) amendments to the housing goals the Executive finds to be appropriate, and specific goals for the forthcoming ten-year period.
    (c) The report must recommend a goal for the number of affordable, including assisted- family, housing units to be constructed in forthcoming years.
    (d) Each relevant agency concerned with housing should cooperate with the County Executive in the development of information and studies relating to this report. (1982 L.M.C., ch. 45, § 1; 1984 L.M.C., ch. 24, § 28A; 1993 L.M.C., ch. 37, § 1.)