§ 25B-22. Compliance.

Latest version.
  • (a) Covenants.
    (1) This Article applies to the owner, any successor in interest, assignee, or other person with a legal or equitable interest in the productivity housing unit. Before recording the plat for a productivity housing project, the owner must execute and record covenants assuring that:
    (A) the restrictions of this Article run with the land; and
    (B) the covenants are binding on the owner, any assignee, mortgagee, subsequent purchaser, and any other party that receives title to the property.
    (2) Covenants executed to satisfy paragraph (1) must be senior to all instruments securing permanent financing.
    (b) Later deeds. The grantor must state, in any deed or instrument conveying title to a productivity housing unit, that the unit is subject to this Article until the restrictions are released under Section 25B-21 or other provision of law.
    (c) Violations.
    (1) The Director of Permitting Services may deny, suspend, or revoke any building or occupancy permit upon finding a violation of this Article.
    (2) The Planning Board may revoke any previously approved preliminary plan of subdivision, sketch plan, or site plan, upon finding a violation of this Article.
    (3) Any violation of this Article is a Class A violation. (1996 L.M.C., ch. 25, § 1; , § 1.)