(a) create a forum for all ethnic groups in the County, help to integrate diverse communities in the County, and identify existing and potential problems and possible solutions.
(b) advise the County Executive, County Council, and the Office of Minority and Multicultural Affairs on public policy that relates to ethnic affairs;
(c) emphasize the richness of the lingual and cultural diversity in the County, including the promotion of interaction and interchange among ethnic groups;
(d) advise the Office of Minority and Multicultural Affairs about the organization of an annual heritage festival to celebrate ethnic diversity in the County;
(e) advise the Office of Minority and Multicultural Affairs about ways of introducing and welcoming permanent and temporary residents from other countries to the County and integrating them into the community;
(f) advise the Office of Minority and Multicultural Affairs about special needs of ethnic groups for public services, including interpreters, health, housing, employment, and education, and monitor any programs that provide these services;
(g) advise the Office of Minority and Multicultural Affairs about providing information in as many languages as possible;
(h) advise the Office of Minority and Multicultural Affairs about promoting involvement of all ethnic groups in the government, business, and community affairs of the County; and
(i) communicate with the Maryland State Ethnic Heritage Commission and other comparable public and private organizations. (1985 L.M.C., ch. 43, § 1; 1990 L.M.C., ch. 47, § 1; FY 1991 L.M.C., ch. 23, § 1; , § 1.)
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