(a) A covered employee who was paid a wage rate less than the County minimum wage in violation of this Article may file a complaint with the Director under Section 27-7
(b) The County Executive must delegate the authority to enforce this Article to a State agency that:
(1) enforces the State Act; and
(2) is legally authorized to enforce the County minimum wage. (, § 1.)
Editor’s note—, § 1, amends , §2, to state: “Transition. Notwithstanding Section 27-68, as added in Section 1, the County minimum wage, until July 1, 2017, must be the greater of the minimum wage required under the Federal or State Act or:
(a) effective October 1, 2014, $8.40 per hour;
(b) effective October 1, 2015, $9.55 per hour; and
(c) effective July 1, 2016, $10.75 per hour."
, § 2, states: “Transition. Notwithstanding Section 27-68, as added in Section 1, the County minimum wage, until October 1, 2017, must be the greater of the minimum wage required under the Federal or State Act or:
(a) effective October 1, 2014, $8.40 per hour;
(b) effective October 1, 2015, $9.55 per hour; and
(c) effective October 1, 2016, $10.75 per hour.”
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