§ 29-48. Penalty for failure to comply with Chapter requirements, Commission orders, or summonses.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Any person who does not comply with any Commission order or summons issued under this Article has committed a class A violation.
    (b) If a Commission order does not award monetary relief and a person, rather than comply with a Commission order, stops operating rental housing, that person must give any tenants occupying the premises in question 60 days' written notice to vacate the premises, beginning on the first day of the month after service of the notice. A copy of the notice must be delivered to the Director. No penalty applies during the 60-day period that tenants have to vacate the facility if the holder of the license to operate the rental housing returns it to the Director.
    (c) In addition to any criminal or other penalty provided in this Chapter, compliance with an order of the Commission may be enforced by injunctive or other appropriate legal action to correct any violation of this Article, and any court with jurisdiction may issue restraining orders, temporary or permanent injunctions, or other appropriate relief. (1972 L.M.C., ch. 27, § 1; 1978 L.M.C., ch. 1, § 2; 1983 L.M.C., ch. 22, § 35; 1984 L.M.C., ch. 30, § 2; 2000 L.M.C., ch. 32, § 1.)
    Editor's note—Section 29-48, formerly § 29-44, was renumbered, amended, and retitled pursuant to 2000 L.M.C., ch. 32, § 1.