§ 29-68. Requirements for park plan.  

Latest version.
  • The owner must assure the following minimum requirements in the design and operation of the park:
    (a) Drainage. The park must be properly graded to ensure adequate drainage and freedom from stagnant pools of water.
    (b) Location and space requirements.
    (1) The owner must locate a mobile home on a space in a manner that provides clearance of at least ten (10) feet side to side, eight (8) feet end to side, or six (6) feet end to end between any other unit or any building.
    (2) Every mobile home must be at least six (6) feet from any property line bounding the park. Where the mobile home space abuts another mobile home park, the owner may maintain existing setbacks.
    (3) A mobile home that is located on a mobile home space when this article takes effect may remain in place on that space. However, if the owner of the mobile home sells or moves it, or the occupant at the time this article takes effect moves, the provisions of subsections (b)(1) and (2) apply.
    (4) The owner of a park must not increase the number of mobile home spaces in the park above the number licensed when this article takes effect.
    (c) Driveways and roads. All mobile home spaces must abut on a road or driveway that is at least twenty (20) feet wide and that has unobstructed access to a public road. All roads and driveways must be hard surfaced, well marked, and, at night, well lighted.
    (d) Road signs. Every road must be clearly marked with the road name. All road and traffic signs must be clearly visible and readable at night.
    (e) Electrical outlets. The owner must provide each mobile home space with an electrical outlet supplying adequate power of at least one hundred ten (110) volts. The department must approve each outlet. (1987 L.M.C., ch. 23, § 3.)