§ 29A-6. Office of Legislative Oversight - Work program.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The Office shall prepare an annual work program, which shall be submitted to the county council for approval or modification.
    (b) The work program recommended by the Office shall allocate available resources based on:
    (1) Statutory requirements.
    (2) Council requests and indication of council interest.
    (3) Potential areas of improvement in management and financial controls and operations.
    (4) Areas which have been identified as involving weaknesses in management and financial controls and operations.
    (5) Programs with large expenditures, assets or revenues.
    (6) Operational units, programs, functions, and activities identified by the Council as requiring special program or budget analyses and review. (1976 L.M.C., ch. 18, § 1; 1992 L.M.C., ch. 16, § 1.)