§ 2-11A. Evaluation of reorganization.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Within two (2) years following the effective date of this section, and periodically thereafter, the county executive shall cause to have evaluations made of the departments, offices and agencies herein created, with the exception of the office of management and budget which will be evaluated by the office of legislative oversight at the direction of the county council. Such evaluations will include, but not necessarily be limited to:
    (1) The validity of the original goals, objectives and performance criteria stated as the rationale for creation of the department, office or agency, to the extent that they reflect the intent and purposes envisioned by the county council.
    (2) The effectiveness with which these goals, objectives and performance criteria have been accomplished.
    (3) The efficiency with which the department, office or agency has operated.
    (4) An assessment of other activities and consequences not specifically anticipated at the time the department, office or agency was created.
    (5) Recommended changes in the goals, objectives, performance criteria, programs and operating procedures of the department, office or agency, which would, in the opinion of the evaluators, improve the ability of the department, office or agency to meet its intended purpose in an effective and efficient manner.
    (b) A report by the county executive of each evaluation pursuant to this section shall be transmitted in writing to the county council, within two (2) years of the effective date of this law. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (c) of this section, all reports shall be made available to the general public.
    (c) Within 15 days after receipt of a written report from the County Executive, the Council must determine whether the report, or any part of the report, must not be made public. The only basis on which a report or any part of a report may not be made public is if the report or part contains information that would not be available for public inspection under Title 10, Subtitle 6 of the State Government Article of the Maryland Code.
    (d) If a report or any part of a report is not made public by the council, the county executive shall promptly release to the public a general summary of the report or part together with the reasons why the report or part was not made public.
    (e) Reports by the office of legislative oversight will be submitted in writing to the county council pursuant to section 29A-9 (reports) of this Code.
    (f) The evaluations pursuant to this section will be in addition to the annual audit required by section 315 of the charter of Montgomery County. (1980 L.M.C., ch. 21, § 15; , § 1.)