§ 2-14. Same-Appropriations.  

Latest version.
  • The council is hereby authorized and empowered to appropriate at any time or from time to time, either in the annual budget appropriation or by interim resolution, such sum as they may by resolution declare to be necessary or expedient for public defense in time of actual or impending war, insurrection, riot or other emergencies such as floods, fires, disasters or epidemics of disease, and for the defense of the county or the safeguarding of its people or property, and to alleviate suffering in time of actual or impending disaster or peril or to otherwise aid the state or the United States in connection with national defense, or for any other purpose necessary for the preservation of the public health, safety or welfare in the county, and to borrow upon the faith and credit of the county such sum as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this section. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 2-19; 1943, ch. 75, § 1.)