§ 2-64H. Functions.

Latest version.
  • The office of public information shall have the following functions:
    (a) Serve as a focal point for communications with citizens and community organizations.
    (b) Establish and maintain a public information program.
    (c) Provide professional editing and design support and coordination for county-wide publications and to county departments and agencies.
    (d) Establish and maintain an information and referral program.
    (e) Carry out related matters as may be assigned.
    (f) Recruitment and utilization of volunteer services for county programs. (1980 L.M.C., ch. 21, § 2; 1981 L.M.C., ch. 10, § 2; Exec. Ord. No. 26-81, § 2; 1986 L.M.C., ch. 37, § 3; 1987 L.M.C., ch. 28, § 5.)
    Editor's note-In addition to amending § 2-64H, Exec. Ord. No. 26-81 changed the title of div. 14 from "Office of Community and Government Relations" to "Office of Information." A motion made at the Council meeting of Sept. 1, 1981, to disapprove the order failed to pass; therefore the order became effective Sept. 9, 1981. Subsequently, 1987 L.M.C., ch. 28, § 5 changed the title of the office to "Office of Public Information."
    Cross reference-Office of Public Information established, § 1A-203(a).