§ 2-25D. Office of Labor Relations.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The Office of Labor Relations is part of the Office of the County Executive. The Office is headed by the Chief Labor Relations Officer.
    (b) The Office must:
    (1) formulate and implement the County’s labor and employee relations policies;
    (2) serve as the employer’s representative in collective bargaining, including any impasse or interest arbitration;
    (3) serve as the employer’s representative in all matters before the Permanent Umpire and the Labor Relations Administrator, including prohibited practice charges;
    (4) advise employees, managers, and supervisors on labor and employee relations matters, including implementation of collective bargaining agreements and the personnel regulations; and
    (5) process grievances arising under a collective bargaining agreement or the personnel regulations. (2020 L.M.C., ch. 16, §1.)
    Editor’s note—2020 L.M.C., ch. 16, §§3 and 4 state: Sec. 3. Transition. References to the Office of Human Resources in County law or regulation means the Office of Labor Relations regarding those functions assigned to the Office of Labor Relations under this Act. If the Office of Human Resources is processing or deciding a grievance when this Act takes effect, the Chief Administrative Officer may designate either the Office of Human Resources or the Office of Labor Relations to continue processing or deciding the grievance.
    Sec. 4. Budgeting and Reduction-In-Force. The Office of Labor Relations is separate from the Office of the County Executive for purposes of budgeting and any reduction-in-force.