§ 2-158. Open Data Implementation Plan.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Within 18 months after this Article takes effect, the Chief Administrative Officer must issue, via Method (2) regulation, an Open Data Implementation Plan. The Plan must:
    (1) include a summary description of a public data set under the control of each agency on or after this Article takes effect;
    (2) prioritize the public data sets for inclusion on the single web portal on or before December 31, 2018, under the standards adopted by the County under Section 2-157; and
    (3) create a timeline for their inclusion on the single web portal.
    (b) If a public data set cannot be made available on the single web portal on or before December 31, 2018, the Open Data Implementation Plan must state the reason why the set cannot be made available, and, to the extent practicable, the date by which the agency in possession of the public data set believes that it will be available on the single web portal.
    (c) No later than July 15, 2015, and every July 15 thereafter, the Chief Administrative Officer must submit to the Executive and Council, and post on the web portal, a report on the Open Data Implementation Plan until all public data sets to be published have been made available through a single web portal as required by this Article. The report must explain:
    (1) the specific measures taken to make a public data set available on the single web portal since the previous report;
    (2) any specific measure that will be taken before the next report;
    (3) whether the list of public data sets, outlined in the Open Data Implementation Plan should be updated;
    (4) whether the prioritization of public data sets in the Open Data Implementation Plan should be changed; and
    (5) whether the timeline outlined in the Open Data Implementation Plan for the inclusion of a public data set on the single web portal, should be changed.
    (d) If a previously unidentified public data set cannot be made available on the single web portal on or before December 31, 2018, the report must explain why it cannot and, to the extent practicable, specify the date by which the agency in possession of the public data set believes that the public data set will be available on the single web portal. (, § 1.)