§ 2A-6. Notice of hearing.  

Latest version.
  • In any administrative proceeding in which a hearing is to be held if ordered by a hearing authority, reasonable notice thereof shall be given to all parties not less than thirty (30) days before the hearing. The hearing authority shall give such notice to the charging and responding party in writing either by certified mail or by personal service at the addresses of parties as indicated in the charging document or as otherwise determined. In the event a party cannot be served after diligent and reasonable efforts have been made to locate the party, an affidavit of attempt to make service shall be filed in the record. The written notice shall contain the following information:
    (a) A copy of the charging document.
    (b) Time, place and date of hearing.
    (c) That the parties may be represented by counsel or represent themselves.
    (d) That the parties have the opportunity to present witnesses, cross-examine witnesses and present supporting documentation.
    (e) That there are pre-hearing procedure requirements as set forth in section 2A-7 hereof.
    (f) That the parties may request a continuance of the hearing by written request if made not less than five (5) days prior to the date of hearing.
    (g) That a verbatim record and transcript of the hearing will be made where said record and transcript is required by law; or, in the alternative, that any party may request that such record of the transcription be made at his or her expense.
    (h) That there is a right, subject to the provisions of the state public information law, to inspect and copy at the requesting party's own expense documents of any party, administrative authority or investigating governmental agency involved where such inspection is not otherwise prohibited by law. (1978 L.M.C., ch. 30, § 1.)