§ 2A-7. Pre-hearing procedures.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Submissions.
    (1) In any case in which the Montgomery County government, or a department, office or agency thereof is a party, it shall submit to the hearing authority no later than twenty (20) days prior to the date set for the hearing the following information in regard to its case:
    A. All supporting documents which are relied upon at the hearing, including investigative reports, or portions thereof. The hearing authority may in its discretion exclude from evidence any materials or documents not included in the pre-hearing submission.
    B. List of names and addresses of all its prospective witnesses, together with summaries of their expected testimony.
    C. List of names and addresses of any persons requested to be summoned by the hearing authority and any documents or records requested to be subpoenaed for the hearing.
    D. Estimate of time to present case.
    In addition, the hearing authority, in its discretion may require any party to submit no later than ten (10) days prior to the date set for hearing any part of or all of the information required by subsection (a)(1) above.
    (2) The original of all pre-hearing submissions shall be filed with the hearing authority and a copy thereof served upon parties and/or counsel of record.
    (3) The information submitted in compliance with this section shall be construed as an intent only to submit such information or witnesses and no party shall be bound to introduce the same at the hearings.
    (4) Requests for permission at the time of the hearing or prior thereto to submit new witnesses or new or supplemental material, not contained in a pre-hearing statement and subsequent to the time limits herein specified, may be granted by the hearing authority only upon good cause shown, and may be cause for a postponement or continuance of the hearing or a decision to leave the record open for a specified time to receive rebuttal evidence. Nothing herein shall interfere with the right to offer rebuttal evidence.
    (b) Discovery. Subject to the provisions of the state public information law:
    (1) Any party shall have the right to review at reasonable hours and locations and to copy at its own expense documents, statements or other investigative reports or portions thereof pertaining to the charging document to the extent that they will be relied upon at the hearing or to question the charging party or agency personnel at reasonable times on matters relevant to the appeal, provided such discovery is not otherwise precluded by law.
    (2) No investigative agency involved in the complaint or proceeding shall unreasonably refuse to any party to a hearing access to files and personnel connected with any matter relevant to the complaint.
    (3) The provisions contained herein shall not infringe upon any attorney-client privilege and shall not include the work product of counsel to any party to the proceedings.
    (4) Where it appears that a party possesses information or evidence necessary or helpful in developing a complete factual picture of a case, a hearing authority may order such party to answer interrogatories or submit itself or its witnesses to depositions upon its own motion or for good cause shown by any other party. Failure of a party to submit to ordered discovery may be cause for entry of a default judgment against the offending party or such other equitable sanction as the hearing authority may deem appropriate and just.
    (c) Motions. Any motion seeking determination by the hearing authority of any preliminary matter including, but not limited to, motions for continuance, motions to amend a charging document or other submissions to the hearing authority, motions to compel discovery and motions to quash subpoenas shall be made promptly; however, nothing herein shall preclude the hearing authority, on its own motion, from reaching a determination on any preliminary matter as the interests of justice may require without a hearing.
    (d) Summary Decision. Any party may file a motion for summary decision at least 30 days before the date of a hearing. The hearing authority may grant summary decision if the hearing authority finds that:
    (1) there is no genuine issue of material fact to be decided at the hearing; and
    (2) the moving party is entitled to prevail as a matter of law.
    The hearing authority must give all other parties at least 10 days to respond to the motion for summary decision before deciding the motion. The hearing authority may permit oral argument on the motion.
    (e) Restrictions on data. Unless a matter has been formally certified for hearing by the hearing authority, government documents or records shall not be subject to these provisions. In the event a matter is certified for hearing by the hearing authority, any documents or records not to be used at the hearing shall not be subject to the provisions of this chapter. Further, any matter or materials which are designated by law as confidential shall not be released without a waiver of the parties to the confidentiality. (1978 L.M.C., ch. 30, § 1; 1979 L.M.C., ch. 17, § 2; , § 1.)