§ 2A-25. Forms control plans.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Each forms control officer will approve a form for use by the department or office only if that form:
    (1) Requests information that is necessary or relevant for effective, efficient and lawful operations;
    (2) Is clearly and plainly written in language consistent with guidelines of the plain language drafting manual approved by the County Council;
    (3) Arranges questions in a logical order, provides adequate space for typical answers, and is as brief as possible;
    (4) Does not duplicate unnecessarily another form used by the department or other agency of County government;
    (5) Does not ask unnecessarily for information already known by the County government; and
    (6) Can be retrieved from or transferred to an electronic storage medium, unless the central forms authority has waived this requirement for that form.
    (b) Each forms control plan must:
    (1) Require a register of forms approved by the forms control officer;
    (2) Require identification of each form under a standard identification system administered by the central forms authority;
    (3) Provide for preparing, reproducing, and using forms in the most economical way possible;
    (4) Require the forms control officer to review each form within three (3) years after its initial approval and reapprove the form or remove it from the register. (1987 L.M.C., ch. 31, § 1.)