§ 30C-12. Enforcement, police power, subpoena authority.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The Office of Consumer Protection and the Montgomery County Police Department enforce this Chapter.
    (b) A police officer or Office of Consumer Protection investigator may order a towing company to release a vehicle, or to stop attaching a vehicle, at any time to prevent a breach of the peace or if the investigator or officer has reasonable cause to believe that the tow would be or was unlawful.
    (c) The Office may issue subpoenas to compel the production of documents, papers, books, records, and other evidence relevant to the investigation of a complaint filed with the Office in any matter to which this Chapter applies.
    (1) If any person does not comply with any subpoena issued under this Chapter, the County may enforce the subpoena by appropriate legal action.
    (2) Any court with jurisdiction may grant injunctive or other appropriate relief to enforce a subpoena.
    (3) A person must comply with any subpoena issued under this Chapter.
    (d) Any violation of this Chapter is a Class A violation. The maximum civil fine is $500 for a first offense, and $1,000 for subsequent offenses. (, § 1.)