§ 30C-2. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • In this Chapter:
    Commercial property means real estate approved and designed for retail or wholesale trade, hotel, restaurant, offices, clinics, warehouses, light manufacturing, and other such uses but not for residential purposes.
    GVWR means gross vehicle weight rating for the vehicle.
    Immobilize means to use any method, object, or devise, including a clamp or lock, to prevent or inhibit the movement of a vehicle.
    Office means the Office of Consumer Protection.
    Property manager means any person who manages real property on behalf of the owner.
    Property owner means the person in whose name the property is titled, or any other person in lawful possession or control of the property. The owner of general common elements of a condominium is the Council of unit owners or the Council’s agent for parking management. The owner of limited common elements of a condominium is the unit owner or owners who have the exclusive right to use the common elements, or the agent of that unit owner or owners.
    Redemption area means an area or building where a vehicle owner may pay any charges necessary to redeem a vehicle.
    Residential property means real estate containing either a single family or multifamily structure that is available for occupation for non-business purposes.
    Storage site means any land or building used by a towing service to store towed vehicles.
    Tow or towing means use of a tow truck to remove a vehicle from private property for compensation without the consent of the vehicle owner.
    Tow truck includes any vehicle which may tow or attempt to tow a vehicle from private property.
    Trespass towing company or towing company means any person who tows any vehicle from private property for compensation without the consent of the vehicle owner.
    Unauthorized vehicle means any vehicle which a property owner has not consented to have parked on the property owner’s property.
    Vehicle means a device that is able to transport persons or property on a public highway and is required to be registered pursuant to Title 13 of the Transportation Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland.
    Vehicle Owner means the person in whose name the title to a vehicle is registered. (, § 1.)