§ 30C-3. Maximum rates.  

Latest version.
  • (a) When towing a motor vehicle from private property without the consent of the owner, a towing company must not charge more than a maximum rate which the County Executive must establish by regulation under method (2). The Executive must review the rates at least every two (2) years.
    (b) The Executive must set fair and reasonable maximum rates for each of the following acts:
    (1) towing, which includes attaching the vehicle to be towed to the tow truck, towing the vehicle to a storage site, and the first 24 hours of storage;
    (2) storing the vehicle until it is redeemed; and
    (3) any other service needed to safely remove a vehicle.
    (c) The fee for releasing a vehicle under section 30C-8 must not exceed $25.
    (d) A towing company may charge a vehicle owner a fee for providing notice under section 30C-6(e) only if the vehicle has not been reclaimed within 48 hours after the towing or removal of the vehicle; the fee must not exceed the actual cost of providing that notice.
    (e) A towing company must not charge for any act not listed in this section unless that act was expressly requested by the vehicle owner.(1988 L.M.C., ch. 29, § 2; 1997 L.M.C., ch. 21, §1; , § 1.)