§ 31-3. Restriction of traffic, designation of truck routes, etc., by county executive.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Whenever, in the judgment of the county executive, it is necessary for the safety and control of vehicular pedestrian traffic, the county executive is hereby authorized to issue traffic orders restricting and/or limiting the movement of automobiles or other vehicles on the streets and roads under the jurisdiction of Montgomery County. The county executive is further authorized to designate certain roads as truck routes for use by all trucks of a specified weight and to prohibit trucks of a specified weight on other roads under the jurisdiction of Montgomery County. The county executive shall provide for the erection of signs to give public notice of such traffic orders and any traffic order passed pursuant to this section shall not be effective until such signs have been erected. The traffic orders issued hereunder shall be recorded in a permanent file open to the public.
    (b) Nothing contained in this section shall prohibit the use of county streets or roads by emergency vehicles, delivery and service vehicles or other vehicles necessary for the protection of life and property. (1978 L.M.C., ch. 7, § 2; 1985 L.M.C., ch. 31, § 20.)
    Cross reference-Applicability of county legislation within municipal corporations, § 2-96.