§ 31-57. Failure to pay or comply; penalty in addition to fine.  

Latest version.
  • (a) If the owner or operator does not comply with the preceding sections and the instructions provided on a notice of violation within the period prescribed by this Article, the fine for such violation must be increased by an additional penalty set by Council resolution adopted under Section 2-57A.
    (b) Whenever the Department of Transportation or its agent can find, by reasonable access to state motor vehicle administration registration records, the name and address of the owner, the Department or agent must immediately notify the owner in writing that:
    (1) the violation is overdue and delinquent,
    (2) the additional penalty has been added, and
    (3) the owner’s failure to pay the entire fine and penalty makes the owner subject to the warrant and other penalties provided by this Chapter. (1978 L.M.C., ch. 7, § 2; 1984 L.M.C., ch. 24, § 36; , § 1; , § 1; , § 1; , § 1.)
    Editor’s note, § 3, states: Sec. 3. Any regulation in effect when this Act takes effect that implements a function transferred to another Department or Office under Section 1 of this Act continues in effect, but any reference in any regulation to the Department from which the function was transferred must be treated as referring to the Department to which the function is transferred. The transfer of a function under this Act does not affect any right of a party to any legal proceeding begun before this Act took effect.
    2004 L.M.C., ch. 16, § 2, states in part: Any fee, charge, or fare in effect when this Act takes effect [July 22, 2004] must remain in effect until amended by Council resolution as provided in Section 2-57, as amended by Section 1 of this Act.