§ 31A-11. Repair and maintenance records; detailed invoice required.  

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  • (a) All repair and maintenance work done by any registrant or his employees shall be recorded on an invoice detailing and describing all services or work performed and all parts supplied and the exact charge for each such part or service, except where the total charge is less than fifteen dollars ($15.00).
    (1) Invoices shall state the name and address of the owner of the motor vehicle and the year, make, tag number and odometer reading.
    (2) Invoices shall specify if any used or rebuilt parts are supplied and, if used, such parts shall be clearly identified and such fact shall be clearly stated.
    (3) Invoices shall include the parts number of all parts replaced or installed. Except where parts have a warranty of ninety (90) days or more, invoices shall include the brand name and parts number of all parts replaced or installed.
    (4) No miscellaneous designations, such as shop materials or shop supplies, may be used, unless the consumer is given reasonable notice at the time he brings his vehicle in for service of the method of computation of this charge. It shall be prima facie evidence that such notice has been given if there is posted, in a conspicuous place at the point where vehicles are normally received for repair, a sign stating that such charge shall be made and the method of its computation.
    (5) If labor is charged by the clock hour, this fact shall be disclosed on the invoice and labor shall be itemized and the time spent on each service and the labor cost of each such service shall be stated along with the total time and total labor charges.
    (6) If labor is charged by the flat rate manual or any flat rate measure, this fact shall be disclosed.
    (7) The final invoice shall contain the name, initials or number of the mechanic or mechanics, the registration number of the shop, as well as a statement that the repairs charged for were needed and were performed. A statement that repairs were needed is not required when repairs are specifically requested by the consumer or approved by the consumer upon recommendation by the shop.
    (8) The final invoice shall be signed by the registrant, shop manager or his designee who shall verify that the motor vehicle has been tested or test driven when needed and that in his opinion the mechanic's work was performed satisfactorily. The consumer may specifically waive in writing the requirement to test drive the vehicle.
    (9) Every final invoice or work order shall contain the customer's instructions or descriptions of symptoms regarding his vehicle's needs and the shop's diagnosis of the problem or problems and shall specify any express warranty of parts or workmanship.
    (b) One (1) copy of the invoice shall be given to the consumer and one (1) copy shall be retained by the registrant or business establishment for a period of at least one (1) year. (1975 L.M.C., ch. 21, § 1; 1980 L.M.C., ch. 10, § 1; 1980 L.M.C., ch. 34, § 1; 1983 L.M.C., ch. 42, § 3.)