(a) The Department must enforce this Chapter. The County Executive may delegate in writing the authority to enforce parts of this Chapter to the Police Department or any other Executive agency.
(b) A violation of this Chapter is a Class A violation. Each day a violation continues is a separate offense. A violation of Section 31B-6 is a separate offense in addition to any other violation of this Chapter arising from the same act or occurrence.
(c) The Department may seek injunctive or other appropriate judicial relief to stop or prevent continuing violations of this Chapter.
(d) If the Director finds that a person has violated this Chapter, the Director may issue a notice of violation and corrective order to the person. The notice must contain the following information:
(1) the section of this Chapter that the person violated;
(2) the date, nature, and extent of the violation;
(3) the action required to correct the violation;
(4) if the Director requires a compliance plan, the deadline for submitting the plan to the Director; and
(5) the deadline for compliance.
(e) The compliance plan referred to in subsection (d)(4) must establish a schedule for achieving compliance with this Chapter, as specified in the corrective order. A compliance plan, and amendments to a plan, are not effective until the Director approves the plan or amendment. An action allowed under an approved compliance plan does not violate this Chapter.
(f) An enforcement officer may issue a civil citation for any violation of this Chapter if the enforcement officer:
(1) witnesses the violation; or
(2) receives complaints from at least 2 witnesses of a noise disturbance.
Complaints by 2 witnesses are required to issue a citation under paragraph (2), but are not required to prove that a person violated this Chapter.
(g) The Executive Director of the Office of Animal Services may initiate administrative action before the Animal Matters Hearing Board instead of an enforcement officer issuing a citation under subsection (f) for a violation of this Chapter originating from an animal source.
(h) A person aggrieved by any action or order of the Director under Sections 31B-9 and 31B-11 may seek reconsideration within 10 days after the date of the action or order. A request for reconsideration must be in writing to the Director, and must specify the date and nature of the action or order, the injury sustained, the remedy requested, and the legal basis for the remedy. If the Director finds that there are material facts in dispute, the Director may refer the matter to a hearing officer under the procedures specified in Chapter 2A. If the Director finds that there are no material facts in dispute, the Director must make a final decision on the request for reconsideration in writing within 45 days after receiving the request. The aggrieved person may appeal from the Director's final decision within 30 days after the Director issues the decision, as provided in Section 2A-11.
(i) (1) A person responsible for a violation of Section 31B-6 and the person responsible for the management or supervision of the construction site where the source of the violation is located are jointly and severally liable for the violation.
(2) For recurring violations of Section 31B-6 on the same construction site, in addition to any other penalty under this Chapter, the Director may issue a stop work order, as provided in Section 8-20, for up to:
(A) 3 consecutive working days for a second violation within 30 days after the first violation;
(B) 5 consecutive working days for a third violation within 60 days after the first violation; and
(C) 7 working days per offense for the fourth and subsequent violations within a 120-day period.
(3) This Chapter does not limit the Director's authority under Chapter 8 to revoke a permit or approval issued under that Chapter.
(j) Any person aggrieved by a violation of this Chapter may file a civil action in any court with jurisdiction against a person responsible for the alleged violation. The aggrieved person must notify the alleged violator and the Director of the alleged violation at least 60 days before filing the action. A person must not file an action under this subsection if the County Attorney has filed a civil action against the same alleged violator regarding the same violation. (1996 L.M.C., ch. 32, § 1; , § 1; 2020 L.M.C., ch. 18, §1.)
Editor’s note—2020 L.M.C., ch. 18, §2, states: Sec. 2. Transition. References to the Division of Animal Services in County law, contract, or regulation means the Office of Animal Services.