Article I. Offenses.  

§ 32-1. Abandoned, etc., personal property-Removal and disposition.
§ 32-2. Coal or coke-Definition of "person."
§ 32-3. Same-Weighing required, tickets; exception.
§ 32-4. Same-Penalty for violation of section 32-3.
§ 32-5. False reports to police; penalty.
§ 32-6. Food-Outdoor sale regulated.
§ 32-7. Fortunetelling.
§ 32-8. Handbills-Deposit in vehicles.
§ 32-9. Flammable liquids-Storing, parking tank vehicles, etc., on streets.
§ 32-10. Same-Supplying motor vehicles on streets, vacant lots, etc.
§ 32-11. Same-Penalty for violation of sections 32-9, 32-10.
§ 32-12. Injury, etc., to public property; penalty.
§ 32-12A. Graffiti.
§ 32-13. Disturbing the public peace or disorderly conduct - Definitions.
§ 32-14. Disturbing the public peace or disorderly conduct - Prohibited conduct.
§ 32-15. Temporary detention by police officer of an individual suspected of criminal behavior.
§ 32-16. Lawful assembly exempted.
§ 32-17. Disturbing the public peace or disorderly conduct - Penalties; Warning.
§ 32-17A. Urination and Defecation in Public.
§ 32-18. Obscene live conduct.
§ 32-19. Obscene, indecent or threatening language over telephone; penalty.
§ 32-19A. Harassment.
§ 32-19B. Aggressive panhandling.
§ 32-19C. Disruptive Behavior - Public Facilities
§ 32-20. Stalking.
§ 32-20A. Hitchhiking in street or highway.
§ 32-21. Police-Wearing of uniform by unauthorized person prohibited.
§ 32-22. Trailers-Connection with sewer system or septic tank required; exception; penalty.
§ 32-23. Picketing a private residence.
§ 32-23A. Purchase of prostitution.