§ 32-20. Stalking.  

Latest version.
  • (a) In this Section to stalk means to engage in a persistent pattern of conduct which:
    (1) alarms, annoys, intimidates, frightens, or terrorizes a person; and
    (2) causes the person to reasonably fear for his or her safety, or that of any third person.
    (b) A person must not stalk another person.
    (c) This Section does not apply to any constitutionally protected conduct.
    (d) A violation of this Section is a Class A violation. Each day that a person violates this Section is a separate offense.
    (e) A sentence imposed under this Section may be imposed separate from and consecutive to or concurrent with a sentence for any other offense based upon the act or acts establishing a violation of this Section. (1993 L.M.C., ch. 27, § 1.)
    Editor’s Note—Section 32-20 was cited in Attorney Grievance Commission v. Beatty, 409 Md. 11, 972 A.2d 840 (2009) and quoted and cited in Attorney Grievance Commission v. Thompson, 367 Md. 315, 786 A.2d 763 (2001).
    Former § 32-20, regarding police uniforms, is now § 32-21.