§ 33-55A. Qualification contingency for elected officials' plan.  

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  • (a) In the event it is determined that the elected officials' plan is not a qualified plan within the meaning of section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, then the provisions of this chapter regarding the elected officials' plan are repealed as of the date of the determination. The repeal dates back to the original effective date of this act.
    (b) Any account balance with respect to county elected officials' contributions must be returned to the county as soon as administratively possible after the repeal.
    (c) Any account balance with respect to required elected officials' participant contributions or account balance with respect to voluntary elected officials' participant contributions, including any amount picked up by the county pursuant to section 33-39(a)(3), must, as soon as administratively possible following a repeal under this section 33-55A, be returned to the elected officials' participant who made them.
    (d) (1) Following a repeal under this section 33-55A, an elected officials' participant who does not make the election provided for in subsection 33-55A(e) may choose to become a participant in a retirement plan of the retirement system in which that individual would have been eligible to participate if the elected officials' plan had never existed.
    (2) Benefits and vesting under a plan in which the individual becomes a participant under paragraph (d)(1) must be determined based only on credited service earned or purchased after the individual becomes a participant in the plans, plus any credited service earned or purchased prior to the individual's becoming an elected officials' participant, except as otherwise provided in paragraph (d)(3).
    (3) Credited service earned while an elected officials' participant must be counted in determining benefits and vesting under a plan in which the individual becomes a participant under paragraph (d)(1) if the individual so chooses. An individual making that choice must contribute to the plan, in a single lump-sum cash payment, the total nonvoluntary employee contributions that the employee would have been required to make under the plan for the period during which that individual was an elected officials' participant if the individual had participated in the plan instead of the elected officials' plan. The county must also make, on behalf of any individual making the choice and contribution, contributions to the plan in the amount the county would have made on behalf of that individual for the period during which that individual was an elected officials' participant if the individual had participated in the plan instead of the elected officials' plan.
    (e) Following a repeal under this section 33-55A, an individual who was an elected officials' participant may choose to have the county establish on that individual's behalf a nonqualified deferred compensation arrangement within the meaning of section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code. The arrangement must provide for deferral of compensation, beginning as of the first day of the month following the month in which the arrangement is entered into, until the individual's normal retirement date, in amounts that are sufficient to provide for a benefit comparable to the benefit the individual would have received under the elected officials' plan from the county elected officials' contributions account of the individual, assuming for purposes of the arrangement that the elected officials' plan would have continued to the individual's date of distribution and that all county elected officials' contributions would have been made to the elected officials' plan on the individual's behalf up to that date and that the account balance in the county elected officials' contributions account as of the date of repeal under this section 33-55A, and all subsequent contributions, would have earned interest, from and after the date of repeal under this section 33-55A, at the rate of six (6) percent per year. The regular earnings of such elected official must be increased as of the first day of the month following the month in which such arrangement is entered into by an amount equal to the amount to be deferred each month under such arrangement. (1987 L.M.C., ch. 27, § 11.)