§ 33-68. County-employee organization meetings and discussions.  

Latest version.
  • (a) An employee organization that has been recognized by the county under section 33-65 of this article shall be entitled to meet at reasonable times with county representatives to discuss with such representatives personnel policies, practices and matters affecting working conditions of the employee unit it represents, so far as discussions may be appropriate under existing laws or regulations. The county shall meet at least two (2) times annually with the certified employee organization.
    (b) The requirement to meet shall not obligate either the county or the employee organization to agree to any proposal or to make any concession with respect to any matter discussed by the parties at such a meeting. Any decision made at any such meeting is in no way binding upon the parties.
    (c) The county and the employee organization may, if desired, and at the conclusion of their discussions, jointly or separately, prepare written position papers that reflect for future reference the respective positions of the parties on the issues discussed at such meetings. Such position papers shall in no way legally bind any party to the matters expressed in them, and the county shall not be obligated to concur in a position paper addressing the inherent right to manage the county government. (1977 L.M.C., ch. 27, § 1; 1986 L.M.C., ch. 70, § 2.)
    Note-Formerly, § 33-69.