§ 33-133. Termination of benefits.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Non-public safety employee. The administrator must terminate initial or continued disability benefits to a non-public safety employee if the employee:
    (1) recovers from the disability, as determined by the administrator;
    (2) does not provide the administrator with information that the administrator requires; or
    (3) attains age 70, or a later age if required under federal law.
    (b) Public safety employee. The administrator must terminate initial or continued disability benefits to a public safety employee if the employee:
    (1) recovers from the disability, as determined by the administrator;
    (2) does not provide the administrator with information that the administrator requires; or
    (3) attains age 70, or a later age if required under federal law, if the benefit is for a non-service connected disability. (1994 L.M.C., ch. 13, § 2; , §1.)
    Editor’s note, § 2, states: Expedited Effective Date. .... The amendments in Section 1 apply to all participants receiving benefits or entitled to receive benefits on or after January 1, 2017.