§ 33-156. Strikes and lockouts.  

Latest version.
  • (a) An employee or employee organization must not either directly or indirectly cause, instigate, encourage, condone, or engage in any strike, nor the employer any lockout. An employee or employee organization must not obstruct, impede, or restrict, either directly or indirectly, any attempt to terminate a strike.
    (b) The employer must not pay, reimburse, make whole, or otherwise compensate any employee for or during the period when that employee is directly or indirectly engaged in a strike. The employer must not compensate an employee who struck for wages or benefits lost during a strike.
    (c) If an employee or employee organization violates this section, and after adequate notice and a fair hearing the Labor Relations Administrator finds that the violations have occurred and that any or all of the following sanctions are necessary in the public interest, the employer may:
    (1) discipline, or dismiss from employment, any employee who engaged in the conduct;
    (2) terminate or suspend an employee organization's dues deduction privilege, if any; or
    (3) revoke the certification of and disqualify the employee organization from participation in representation elections for a period up to a maximum of 2 years.
    (d) This Article does not prohibit an employer or a certified employee organization from seeking any remedy available in a court with jurisdiction. (1996 L.M.C., ch. 21, § 1.)